NTPC Family

31-07-2023 | read

NTPC Barh family conducted a felicitation ceremony to bid adieu to its senior stalwart in fuel management department Sh. Ran Vijai Singh who served the NTPC family for nearly 4 decades. The occassion was graced by ED Barh, Sh. Asit Dutta; CGM (Project), Sh. Jayadev Parida; GM (O&M), Sh. Deepak Ranjan Dehuri; GM (Opn), Sh. Amitabha Bhaumik; GM (Maint.); Sh Sukhamoy Roy; GM (TS), Sh Subrata De; GM (FM), Sh Biswadip Sinha; and AGM (HR), Sh Daya Sharma. The Barh leadership and his colleagues shared the stories of his illustrious career and experience which he gained at NTPC Singrauli and Barh. It was his experience of 24 years at Singrauli that helped Barh to rebound successfully to become a profitable asset. Lastly, NTPC Barh family presented them with memento to conclude this career. The ceremony was hosted by Ms. Geeta Gaur, Officer(HR).